Last night I watched the movie, Julie and Julia for the 20th time (no exaggeration). You would think after viewing it so many times, it would lose some of its charm. Not the case, it inspired me just like it did the first time I saw it. Two women living parallel lives in different time periods; searching for their passion, searching to define themselves, searching for purpose and meaning in their lives. It is a movie that oozes with hope and possibility; their persistence and willingness to take risks is inspirational. The beautiful food is, of course, a delightful backdrop for all that hope and inspiration.
Typically, after viewing the movie, I spend a few days on an internal inspirational "high" that eventually dissipates. But, today my high was coupled with a little peer pressure. For the past three weeks I have been participating in the Denver Writing Project; which has exposed me to many inspirational writers. Two of these writers, Kyle and Cathy, are a part of my small writing group. Today after sharing and laughing together, we began to discuss their latest blog posts. I left our conversation pondering whether I would have enough to say to write a blog. Fortunately, my creative juices started flowing during my long trek back to the car. Ok, maybe peer pressure is a strong word for my experience, but I did find that their willingness to take risks and share their writing with the world to be inspiring.
So, the combination of an inspirational movie and inspirational peer pressure, have made for the perfect storm. I am inspired to write! Most people who call themselves writers, write. But I know myself, without a little pressure and some accountability, I tend not to write. Thus the birth of a blog.
I hope that my journey will in some way inspire you to ponder: "What inspires me?"