Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Process has Begun!

Process. What process? My writing process. Oh! That process. I didn't really know I had one, I thought it was me staring at the blank page - terrified of the nothingness, hoping an idea would formulate and brilliance would fling itself onto my void of a document. The reality is my process starts days before the blank page. Someone (a.k.a my sister, Hannah) asks when I'm going to post again. I panic. Then I begin to ponder. To really get the juices flowing, I read through every blog I have listed in "my favorites". The list is quite extensive, and takes a good hour to work my way through it. Sitting on a rainy Saturday morning, reading posts, is so relaxing. It's inspiring to hear a myriad of voices and ideas coming through my computer screen. There is something magical about this process. I still have no idea of what I might write, but these bloggers make me want to write. So, today I will keep my eyes peeled and my heart open to a possible topic. Let the process continue!

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to think about what everyone's processes might be. I'm pretty sure ideas plant themselves somewhere in my brain, and they take days to weeks to turn into something that I can write about...or they push so painfully against the gray matter that I have no choice but to write.

    A few minutes ago, I thought that one of my ideas was ready to write about.


    I tried three different approaches, and none of them work. Not time yet.
