Sunday, March 18, 2012

Distracted Growth

I’ve noticed, that since starting the writing challenge, I am quite distracted by all the writing I am doing in my head. The other night I was leaving my writing group and almost took a wrong turn and ended up in Loveland instead of Arvada because I was busy thinking about how I might end my latest post. As I swerved across traffic to right my wrong, I wondered if I was too mentally impaired  to drive. Today, as I was coming home from the grocery store, I became lost in processing how I might craft this percolating topic into a blog post. I’m not really sure how long I sat in my car before remembering that my chicken might be thawing in the back end.

This weekend I went to Barnes and Noble and purchased Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott, the subtitle is Some Instructions on Writing and Life. My intention in visiting this wonderful oasis was just to have some one-on-one time with a friend. I had no intention of buying anything. I was in denial. I left with $45.00 worth of books and somehow my friend escaped with spending barely $5.00. It was her idea in the first place. Just not right! But, I couldn’t not buy this book. I have heard so many great things about this writer, and I read just enough that putting it back on the shelf was out of the question. So - now I can fill my head with more ideas about writing. Good thing spring break is coming; I may be in a walking writer’s coma by then. I’ll need the vacation to either lose myself in writing, or recover and find balance again. My problem is usually starting the process, the blank page scares me. Either way, I am noticing that my ability to sit down and get to writing is improving. Yay me!

Now, I’m off to write another letter of recommendation. Not my favorite writing, but writing none-the-less.

1 comment:

  1. Clearly, I am way behind in reading blog posts...

    I love that book. While I'm sure I took lots of things away from it, there are two that are always at the forefront of my mind: 1) Someone tells her that the only difference between being a published writer and not is being published; in other words, if you write, you're a writer. 2) There's something in there that writers should at least write enough to fill a 2x2 picture frame each day. Tell me if that is the right size when you get to that part of the book. ;)
